The price of TON Coin continues to fluctuate and the process in France also concerns cryptocurrencies. Telegram is the largest messaging app that has adopted an extremely warm approach towards cryptocurrencies. The fact that its co-founder is facing serious accusations also concerns cryptocurrencies for many reasons.
Telegram and TON Coin
Due to its integration with Telegram TON Coin It has grown very quickly and we have witnessed that the projects in its ecosystem have attracted great interest. On the other hand, the arrest of Telegram CEO in France naturally had a negative effect on the markets, especially on the price of TON Coin. Durov, who has been in court for the last few hours, was officially charged by the judge. Although the details of the indictment have not been shared, it is thought that he is being tried for the protection of criminals, avoiding sharing information and the problems arising from this. A Prize Pool Worth 21 Million TL Awaits You from BinanceTR! Participating and winning has never been easier.. You can sign up to BinanceTR from this link. Get your first crypto!
The judge gave him probation (with a €5 million bail). He will not be able to leave France but will be obliged to meet the conditions of his probation. This is until the next court date. If the court decides on a sentence, he will go to prison.
TON Coin price welcomed the probation news and increased by 8%. However, it is still stalling at $5.4. Volatility is expected to continue for a while on the TON Coin chart. The price is experiencing very rapid ups and downs.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not contain investment advice. Investors should be aware that cryptocurrencies carry high volatility and therefore risk, and should carry out their transactions in line with their own research.