US-based cryptocurrency exchange Kraken made an evaluation we often hear about the 2024 presidential elections. The new study revealed that candidates’ views on cryptocurrency can influence voter behavior and that approximately 26 million American voters may play a critical role in determining the new President.
Crypto Investor Voters
Kraken’s survey showed that young and tech-savvy crypto voters could be influential in the 2024 elections. The exchange announced that it will launch its own network next year. The blockchain named Ink will host applications that will enable transactions such as trading, borrowing and token lending in an unintermediary environment.
Going back to the presidential election, while cryptocurrency ranks low among most voters’ priorities, it still has major political implications. According to Kraken’s new survey, the presence of cryptocurrency on the economic agenda of politicians shows the increasing presence of crypto in politics.
Crypto Agenda in 2024 Elections
Crypto companies spent over $160 million in donations to the 2024 federal election, more than any other industry. These funds are used to provide strategic support against their rivals, especially in important elections.
“Cryptovoters could influence the 2024 election.” -Kraken Exchange.
Crypto investors are demanding more measures on consumer protection and security, while also believing that cryptocurrencies will strengthen the US economy. 92% of respondents think cryptocurrencies have the potential to modernize the economy.
Americans expect elected officials to prioritize secure, accessible and educational crypto solutions. This expectation is increasing with the development of the digital field.
Considering the influence of important players in the crypto space in the election process, candidates are developing strategies for this group and working to gain their support.
Crypto users have strong economic optimism about the country’s future and reflect this in their votes. We will clearly see the power of crypto investor voters in the results of the November elections.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware that crypto currencies carry high volatility and therefore risk, and should carry out their transactions in line with their own research.