We have seen massive airdrops with Telegram-backed tokens being released one after the other. The numbers were exciting and we were seeing on-chain data in Telegram apps that increased wallet numbers of popular tokens by 10x. But there is a problem. HMSTR Token What are the latest predictions for?
HMSTR Token Comment
Airdrop The team received a big reaction as they disqualified many wallets before distributing them. Considering that the target audience is mainly airdrop hunters and most of them will not be implemented after selling the tokens, the graph below may be formed even if they did nothing. It’s a simple application and has nothing to change the world. It takes a lot of time, and details about the second season that have not been known for a long time have caused continued sales in the token.
If we do not hear exciting news about major partnerships and the second season, the HMSTR Token price may continue to move towards deeper bottoms. It is already clear where the graph is heading, laying the stairs to the south.
WIF Coin Review
Among the altcoins that have not seen bulls yet but have potential WIF Coin There is also. Investors who struggled to maintain $1.92 as support were unsuccessful in tests of $2.87. Although the recovery of the last daily candle from the support is positive, it will be the consequences of the US elections on the markets that will determine everything.
If Kamala is elected, her impact on the market may not last long, but Trump is someone who has big goals for crypto in the long term and it is his stance that makes the election important.
If the rise continues, $2.40 should be taken back as a strong support and we should see daily closes above it. Then, new big movements towards $5 may be seen. BTC continues to bounce between the bottom/top and is at $69,572 at the time of writing.
Imagine an artificial intelligence agent managing meme coins. Such an interesting experiment was started days ago. Although we see many similar tokens afterwards GOAT Since it is the first in its field, it can achieve greater profits in an environment where artificial intelligence-supported meme coins continue to attract attention.
It is holding $0.467 as support and has been largely attracting volume in the crypto AI space for a while now. Above $0.72, psychological resistance of $1 can be tested.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware that crypto currencies carry high volatility and therefore risk, and should carry out their transactions in line with their own research.