Cryptocurrency exchange Binance, IOST (IOST) announced that there will be an increase in the coin’s total supply and circulating supply. More information about this change can be learned from resources provided by the project team. Binance will display relevant risk warning and information banners on the IOST trading page.
Reason for Change and Market Effects of Tokenomics
The IOST project team shared data about the increase in total supply with Binance. Binance stated that it does not provide any guarantee regarding the accuracy of the information shared. However, he emphasized that the supply change in question was based solely on the calculations of the project team and that the cryptocurrency exchange did not participate in the calculation process.
Binance In the statement made by , it was stated that the announcement of the changes on the platform does not mean that these changes are approved or supported. It was also noted that project teams’ calculation methods and data sharing criteria may differ.
Warnings Made for Users
Binance announced that it may monitor IOST coin or suspend trading services if situations that violate market support policies are detected. It was stated that users should contact the project team directly in case of lack of information or data discrepancy.
The announcement made by the cryptocurrency exchange does not constitute investment advice. Binance clearly stated that it cannot be held legally responsible for the consequences that may arise from its investment decisions. Users are advised to consult project resources directly for more information about the project.
cryptocurrency marketTransparency and accurate information sharing are important for investors to make informed decisions. Binance remains committed to keeping its users informed.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware that crypto currencies carry high volatility and therefore risk, and should carry out their transactions in line with their own research.