The situation faced by the Telegram co-founder has caused the TON Coin price to be greatly affected by this. Moreover, there are other problems. For example, at the time of writing, no new blocks can be produced and this has been going on for 1 hour. What is happening on the TON Coin front? What awaits investors?
TON Network Stopped
Ton blockchain has stopped several times these days. At the time of writing, no new blocks are being produced and this is the latest DOGS airdrops It happened while it was being distributed. The network is extremely resilient according to performance tests, but when the block production stops at the same time that the Telegram co-founder is appearing in court, it is extra demoralizing. TON Coin price falling. A Prize Pool Worth 21 Million TL Awaits You from BinanceTR! Participating and winning has never been easier.. You can sign up to BinanceTR from this link. Get your first crypto!
SMA50 is at $6.58 and the move below it continued at $5.26. RSI is in the negative territory and the news flow is supportive for the bears. If the sell-off continues in the coming hours TON Coin The price is likely to fall to $4.72. This support is the area that will be primarily defended to prevent further losses. If broken, the head and shoulders formation will be completed, triggering further sales.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not contain investment advice. Investors should be aware that cryptocurrencies carry high volatility and therefore risk, and should carry out their transactions in line with their own research.