At the top of the projects that will leave their mark on 2024 was Toncoin (TON), which found great support on the Telegram side. The TON price rose above $ 8 during this period and settled among the top 10 altcoins. At this point today, TON, which has maintained its position, has seen a major decline last week. Behind this decline is the Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Today, Durov was seen making an important move and sharing a post on his own page, and after that, all eyes turned to the TON price.
Pavel Durov’s Statement
Durov, who was recently detained in France and then appeared before a judge, seems to be still in trouble because of Telegram, the platform of which he is CEO. While no final decision has been made regarding Durov, who is still in France, an important move came from the CEO’s side. A Prize Pool Worth 21 Million TL Awaits You from BinanceTR! Participating and winning has never been easier.. You can sign up to BinanceTR from this link. Get your first crypto!
According to information that emerged in recent minutes, Durov published a message via his own Telegram. In his new message, the Telegram CEO stated that he was under investigation in Paris for misuse of the platform and promised to increase security.
It was also seen that this move by Durov, whose release date is unknown, was interpreted as an effort to work in harmony with the rule makers, and eyes turned to the TON price.
How Many Dollars is Toncoin (TON)?
Toncoin (TON) price before Durov’s detention In BTC Despite the decline, it was visibly maintaining its strong stance. In fact, TON continued to push $7 during this period, and it did this on days when the entire market was falling. After the news of the detention, things changed suddenly.
TON There was a complete vertical drop in its price and it lost almost 30% of its value in 1 day. Although it recovered somewhat later, things went wrong once again and the decline continued after the CEO was not released. At the point reached today, it is seen that the TON price has risen to the level of $ 4.83.
While this rise indicates a price movement of 4.67%, it is thought that the message published by Durov may have had a positive effect.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not contain investment advice. Investors should be aware that cryptocurrencies carry high volatility and therefore risk, and should carry out their transactions in line with their own research.