Founder and CEO of Telegram Pavel Durovwas detained at night at Le Bourget Airport in Paris, France. France’s respected news source According to information received from TF1 France’s National Anti-Fraud Office Durov, who was arrested by (ONAF) authorities, is currently in pre-trial detention.
Arrest Expected
According to information received, Durov is from Azerbaijan FranceHe was accompanied by a woman and her bodyguard when he traveled by private jet to . TF1 reported that Durov’s arrest was the result of a preliminary investigation launched by a French investigation agency called OFMIN, which works to prevent child sexual abuse. The arrest warrant, which is not valid in any other country outside France, could only be enforced within French borders. A Prize Pool Worth 21 Million TL Awaits You from BinanceTR! Participating and winning has never been easier.. You can sign up to BinanceTR from this link. Get your first crypto!
TF1A source who spoke to shared the details of the incident and said, “He made a mistake tonight. We don’t know why he made such a mistake. We don’t know if this flight was just a stopover. Anyway, he is in custody right now.”
According to TF1, Durov could be formally charged on Sunday with a number of crimes, including terrorism, drugs, fraud, money laundering, possession of stolen goods and pedophilic content, after meeting with an investigating judge on Saturday evening. “Pavel Durov will definitely be arrested. He hosted numerous crimes and criminal elements on the Telegram platform and did nothing to prevent them or cooperate with the authorities,” one ONAF official said in a harsh statement regarding Durov’s detention.
Toncoin Price Crashed
Following this news, Telegram’s main network presence ToncoinThe price of (TON) fell by more than 10 percent after the news was published. Meanwhile, according to market observers, Durov’s detention cryptocurrency market will also have significant impacts on the overall .
Durov’s fate is expected to become clear in the coming days, depending on how long he will remain in custody during the legal process in France.
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